Multipurpose Ultra-Light Carbon Fiber Composite Air Cylinder 12L
Nomoro ea Sehlahisoa | CRP Ⅲ-190-12.0-30-T |
Bolumo | 12.0L |
Boima ba 'mele | 6.8kg |
Diameter | 200mm |
Bolelele | 594 limilimithara |
Khoele | M18×1.5 |
Khatello ea ho Sebetsa | 300bar |
Khatello ea Teko | 450bar |
Bophelo ba Tšebeletso | 15 lilemo |
Khase | Moea |
-Bophahamo ba 12.0-Litha e le 'ngoe
- E kentsoe ka botlalo ka har'a fiber ea carbon bakeng sa ts'ebetso e ikhethang
- E etselitsoe ho phela nako e telele, e netefatsa nako e telele ea bophelo ba sehlahisoa
-Motsamao o ntlafalitsoeng bakeng sa ho nkeha habonolo le ha bonolo
-Innovative "pre-leakage against explosion" tšobotsi e felisa likotsi tsa polokeho, ho fana ka khotso ea kelello
-Mekhoa e tiileng ea netefatso ea boleng e netefatsa ts'ebetso ea maemo a holimo le ho ts'epahala
Tharollo ea ho phefumoloha bakeng sa mesebetsi e atolositsoeng ea pholoso e pholosang bophelo, ho tima mollo, bongaka, SCUBA e tsamaisoang ke matla a eona a 12-litre.
Lipotso Tse Botsoang Hangata
Q1: Ke eng e khethollang li-Cylinders tsa KB ho li-cylinders tsa khale tsa khase, hona li fana ka melemo efe?
A1: Li-cylinders tsa KB, tse khetholloang e le li-cylinders tsa mofuta oa 3, li hlahella e le li-cylinders tse nang le mekhoa e metle ea khabone e phuthetsoeng ka botlalo. Ho feta lisilindara tsa khale tsa tšepe tsa tšepe, li boima bo fetang 50%. Sebopeho sa bona se hlahelletseng ke mokhoa o ikhethileng oa "pre-leakage against explosion", ho netefatsa polokeho nakong ea ho tima mollo, ts'ebetso ea pholoso, merafo le lits'ebetso tsa bongaka.
Q2: Na Zhejiang Kaibo Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd. ke moetsi kapa khamphani ea khoebo?
A2: Zhejiang Kaibo Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd., ke moetsi oa pele oa li-cylinders tse phuthetsoeng ka botlalo tse nang le fiber ea carbon. Ho ba le laesense ea tlhahiso ea B3 ho tsoa ho AQSIQ (China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine) ho re khetholla ho mekhatlo ea khoebo ea Chaena. Ho khetha li-Cylinders tsa KB ho bolela tšebelisano e tobileng le moetsi oa 'nete oa mofuta oa 3 le li-cylinders tsa mofuta oa 4.
Q3: Ke boholo ba li-cylinder le lisebelisoa life tseo KB Cylinders li sebetsanang le tsona?
A3: Li-cylinders tsa KB li fana ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea boholo, ho tloha ho 0.2L (Bonyane) ho isa ho 18L (Boholo). Li-cylinders tsena li fumana likopo tsa ho tima mollo (SCBA, setima-mollo sa metsi), pholoso ea bophelo (SCBA, line thrower), lipapali tsa paintball, merafo, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, tsamaiso ea matla a pneumatic, le SCUBA diving, har'a tse ling.
Q4: Na li-Cylinders tsa KB li ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng ho fihlela litlhoko tse itseng?
A4: Ka sebele, re amohela litlhoko tsa tloaelo 'me re itokiselitse ho etsa li-cylinders tsa rona ho lumellana le litlhaloso tsa hau tse ikhethang.
Fumana melemo le lits'ebetso tse ikhethang tsa KB Cylinders. Ithute kamoo litharollo tsa rona tse ncha li ka hlalosang ts'ireletseho, bokhabane, le ts'ebetso ho tsoa liindastering tse fapaneng.
Ho netefatsa Boleng bo sa Sekisetseng: Ts'ebetso ea rona e Matla ea Taolo ea Boleng
Ho Zhejiang Kaibo, re beha polokeho le khotsofalo ea hau pele. Li-Cylinders tsa rona tsa Carbon Fiber Composite li kena tšebetsong e matla ea taolo ea boleng, ho netefatsa bokhabane ba tsona le ts'epahalo ea tsona. Mona ke tlhaloso ea hore na ke hobane'ng ha mohato ka mong o le bohlokoa:
Teko ea Matla a 1.Fiber Tensile:Re lekola matla a fiber ho netefatsa hore e mamella maemo a thata.
2.Resin Casting 'Mele Thepa:Ho hlahloba matla a 'mele o etsang resin ho tiisa ho tiea ha oona.
3. Tlhahlobo ea Sebopeho sa Lik'hemik'hale:Ho netefatsa sebopeho sa thepa ho netefatsa boleng le botsitso.
Tlhahlobo ea 4.Liner Manufacturing Tolerance:Mamello e nepahetseng ke ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho lekana ho sireletsehileng.
5.Inner le Outer Liner Surface Tlhahlobo:Ho hlwaya le ho sebetsana le ho se phethahale ho boloka botsitso ba sebopeho.
Tlhahlobo ea Khoele ea 6.Liner:Tlhahlobo e phethahetseng ea khoele e tiisa tiiso e phethahetseng.
7.Liner Hardness Test:Ho etsa bonnete ba hore boima ba liner bo kopana le litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa ho tšoarella.
8.Mechanical Properties of Liner:Ho hlahloba thepa ea mechine ho tiisa bokhoni ba eona ba ho mamella khatello.
Teko ea 9.Liner Metallographic:Tlhahlobo ea microscopic e netefatsa botšepehi ba sebopeho sa liner.
10.Tlhahlobo ea ka hare le ea Kantle ea Cylinder Surface:Ho lemoha mefokolo e ka holim'a metsi ho tiisa ho tšepahala ha silinda.
11.Cylinder Hydrostatic Test:Silinda e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e etsa liteko tsa khatello e phahameng ho hlahloba hore na ha e lutle.
12.Cylinder Air Tightness Test:Ho netefatsa hore moea ha o kenelle ke ntho ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka botšepehi ba khase.
13.Hydro Burst Test:Ho etsisa maemo a feteletseng ho tiisa ho tiea ha silinda.
14.Tlhahiso ea Libaesekele tsa Khatello:Li-cylinders li mamella liphetoho tsa khatello ho netefatsa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele.
Ts'ebetso ea rona e thata ea taolo ea boleng e bonts'a boitlamo ba rona ba ho fana ka lihlahisoa tse fihlelang le ho feta maemo a indasteri. Tšepa Zhejiang Kaibo bakeng sa polokeho le ts'epahalo ka ho fetesisa, ebang ke ts'ebetsong ea ho tima mollo, ts'ebetsong ea pholoso, merafong, kapa sebakeng sefe kapa sefe moo li-cylinders tsa rona li fumanang lits'ebetso. Tšireletseho le khotsofalo ea hau ke lintho tse tlang pele bophelong ba rona, 'me ts'ebetso ea rona ea ho laola boleng e tiisa khotso ea hau ea kelello